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New Jersey Solar Lease Options
Solar leasing is a relatively new method of obtaining the benefits of off-grid power generation without the large and, in many cases, prohibitive initial investment. Purchasing and installing a new residential solar system can easily require a five-figure investment. Even with federal and state tax incentives and rebate offers, laying out that type of up-front […]
Top Solar Companies in New Jersey
Environmentalists are always telling everyone to recycle and do everything to reduce their carbon foot prints. Using solar panels is a great way to go green in NJ but the cost of a solar panel system can be astronomical. A growing popular solution for many people are solar leases. Solar leases allow homeowners to obtain […]
What Are Solar Energy Credits and How Do They Work In New Jersey?
Only a small percentage of the buildings eligible for NJ solar systems installation are taking advantage of the significant savings with New Jersey solar systems through the use of Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs). What is the SREC Registration Program? NJ solar systems applicants start by registering their intent by using the SREC Registration Program […]
Top 5 Ways to Lower Electric Bills in New Jersey
Solar power can reduce the cost of heating your home and your hot water. The sun is full of free energy power and will save you money each month on your electric bills. Using solar power for your home will reduce your dependence on your electric company and you will save on the high rising […]
New Jersey Solar Has Helped Local Consumers
Solar power is exactly what it sounds like. Solar power is the ability to convert the sun’s rays into solar energy or electricity. Solar power is not a new concept. Solar power plants were developed in the 80s after the energy crises of the 70s. Every time there is a rise in the cost of […]
Why has New Jersey become a leader in solar in the US?
Implementation of New Jersey solar power has the state as one of the leading in the nation for it’s solar energy usage. The state’s implementation of a Renewable Portfolio Standard obligates electricity suppliers to produce a portion of their energy from renewable energy sources. The RPS mandates 22.5 percent of New Jersey’s energy be derived […]
Why is electricity so expensive in New Jersey?
Everyone these days are looking to lower electric bills. Between trying to reduce overall costs to save money, and trying to live a more natural, greener lifestyle there are only so many available options for consumers. In higher population areas like New Jersey, California, and New York the cost of energy is growing while the […]
New Jersey Enacts Bill to Help Save Solar
On July 23rd, 2012 New Jersey’s governor Chris Christie signed S1925, new legislation that is helping to prop up the state’s solar energy market. New Jersey, the second largest solar state in the U.S., has largely been successful as a result of solar renewable energy credits (SRECs). An SREC represents 1 megawatt-hour of electricity generated […]
A Break in the Clouds? Inside New Jersey’s SREC Legislation
On June 25, 2012, S1925/A2966, now aligned, passed the New Jersey Senate and House. Next, the bill needs to be signed into law by the Governor, which given his recent public support is expected to be completed within the next couple weeks. The bill, which attempts to address the state’s SREC oversupply, adjusts the Renewable […]